About Us

About us

David F. Neu is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA, where he taught for almost thirty years. His degrees (B.A., Houghton College; M.A., Cornell University; Ph.D., University of Washington) are all in mathematics. But the most influential aspect of his formal education was his college music minor, specializing in organ, as recounted on the Tribute page. Questions pertaining to church music, first raised in college, persisted through many years of teaching. They were energized and expanded by simultaneous service as a church organist, by frequent discussions with students and colleagues, and by the explosive growth of contemporary Christian music.

Since retiring from teaching, Dr. Neu has devoted his efforts to research and writing in the field of hymnology, seeking answers to the questions raised over the years. After forty years of living in southern California, he and his wife, Karen, now reside in Westminster, CO, enjoying the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains.

Karen H. Neu is a retired college-health nurse practitioner, having served in both a very large university health facility and a small college health center. She is a classically-trained soprano and has served in church choirs and other choral groups. Since her childhood days, she has treasured the hymnody of the church.

When the Neus began their careers in Christian higher education at Seattle Pacific College (now, University), and through all the years at Westmont, their love of hymnody found expression in frequent hymn-sings in their home with college students. These times were greatly enhanced by Karen’s leadership through her clear, accurate, and strong singing. Through many of their years of association with college students, the Neus also hosted a weekly Bible study in their home or on the campus. For several years the Bible study was preceded by a home-prepared dinner for the students.

In retirement, her love of hymnody has expressed itself once again in her enthusiastic support of David’s research and writing, and also in the gathering of the collections of devotional hymns that are available on the Devotional Hymns page.

Contact Us

The best way to contact us is via email at [email protected].